31st Alabama Clay Conference
February 5-7, 2016 in Gadsden, Alabama
The Alabama Craft Council is pleased to announce the 31st Alabama Clay Conference - ALCC 2016 - which will be held at The Mary G. Harding Center for Cultural Arts, 501 Broad Street, Gadsden, Alabama 35901 and The Gadsden Museum of Art, 515 Broad Street, Gadsden, Alabama 35901. The main presenters will be Martha Grover, Paul Lewing, Marty Fielding and Mark Rademacher. The presenters will conduct their demonstrations in different rooms throughout the Center for Cultural Arts. Scheduled activities will include the Presenter’s Exhibition, an invitational Tableware Show, Participant Show, Alabama Student and Professor Show, Vendor’s Area, clay dance performance, Alabama Clay Market, Saturday night party at the Back 40 Brewing Company, mug exchange, Empty Bowls, mini-presentations by four local ceramic artists: Steve Loucks, Lynnette Hesser, John Oles and Beer Chunhaswasdikul on Sunday morning, etc.